official website of dajue mountain

Travelling guideline


Dajue mountain drifting to drop big, plenty of water, thrilling, stimulating well-known, every year a lot of friends to Dajue mountain rafting.



First, travel preparaFtion:

1, if 7:30 starting from Nanchang to Dajeishan is basically ranked in the last, under normal circumstances than 6:45 departure 3 hours late drift, which means to go back to Nanchang at 11 pm.

2, noon Dining Location: certain requirements in the scenic area to eat, because only the travel map into the area to "team reception" row number, if it is to eat in Zixi County, that you are about an hour later than others into the area, Waiting for you after the position of the vice squad. I was waiting for more than 3 hours for this reason.

3, food preparation: the normal itinerary is between Nanchang and Dajue Hill direct, to add food only high-speed gas stations and scenic areas, where the price of the two Needless to say, and the variety of poor, the most important The travel agency regardless of dinner, be sure to bring enough food in the car at night to eat, water. Ready to eat the food at night can be placed in the car, do not bring into the area, or their tired to spend even rent a safe deposit box.

4, clothing material preparation: It is recommended to wear cotton T-shirt, shorts, slippers, and with a set of changing clothes (from inside to outside, towels). Often see a female compatriot shirt too thin, after being soaked in water underwear glance. Afraid of the sun recommended in Nanchang, bought a thin woman, a little better quality raincoats, drifting when wearing a lot better than the sunscreen. Friends with glasses ready to rubber band or rope to fix the glasses.

5, the digital camera: do not recommend belt, if you take the camera drifting, may want to learn about the "boat" and the story of the next year's water fishing. (Do not believe that the camera sets of things like water, buy also do not have access)

6, a tool to fight the water fight: it is recommended to buy a few water scoop, more effective than the water gun and the like, in the big mountain to buy it is too expensive.

Second, before the drift Note:


1, into the big mountain after the first tour guide to lead the queue number, the most important! A direct impact on your time to go home.

2, in the team waiting hall has lockers, 2 yuan a time. We should be careful not to change the laundry on here, because drift when free lockers, and disembark can get clothes to wash, if you put in the hall, but also wet running back and forth, more harm than good.

3, the selection of helmets to pay special attention to, there is a helmet with a Velcro inside the paste, do not use, when you drift in the Velcro attached to the grinding head to wear, hair short to be broken skin .

4, although the great sense of the mountain to provide the rain boots is ugly, but also dirty, but suggest that you still find a pair of fit to wear it. Because the drift channel below the stone is very sharp, if the flip-flop fell into the water after the basic flying on the slippers, and that is basically the same barefoot you walk on the blade. (With a tour of the visitors, because after the capsize boat struggling in the water barefoot, the results are not covered with toenails, and also sent to the hospital to needle), this is the lesson of blood yo.

5, the body of valuable things are down to come, otherwise these things are likely to become your eternal memories.

Third, rafting matters needing attention


1, only in the level of relatively calm place to fight a water fight, a water fight when the focus of water attack the other face, let it not breathe smoothly, so as to achieve victory :)

2, when drifting downhill must pay close attention to the armrest, the best heavy in front of some people.

3, in the downhill when the best and next to the ship to maintain a certain distance, or two cards in the downhill at the very dangerous, easy capsize.

4, in the Gulf of 15 when there is a camera, we should pay attention to observation, when the camera poses poss, leaving their drift Liang Ying it. After washing off the boat can be selected in the photo point to find their own photos, I feel good to pay 15 yuan to help you print out.



Fuzhou direction

Beijing-Fuzhou Expressway (direction of Fujian) → Fuji Expressway S46 (direction of Zixi and Shaowu) → Jiguang Expressway G35 (Zixi and Nancheng directions) → Zixi Exit → 316 National Road → Zixi County

Yingtan direction

Yingrui high-speed → (South City direction) → Zixi exports → 316 National Road → Zixi county

Shaowu direction

Along the 316 National Road → Zixi county

Nanchang direction

Line one, Nanchang East → Fuyin Expressway G70 (Fuzhou direction) → Fuji high-speed S46 (Zixi, Shaowu direction) → Jinguang G35 (Zixi, Nancheng direction) → Zixi exit → 316 National Road → Zixi county

Line 2, Southwest of Nanchang → Shanghai-Kunming high-speed G60 (Yingtan, Shanghai direction) → Fuk silver high-speed G70 (Fuzhou direction) → Fuji high-speed S46 (Zixi, Shaowu direction) → Jinguang G35 (Zixi, Nancheng direction) → Zixi export → 316 National Road → Zixi county

Shanghai direction

Shanghai-Kunming Expressway → Ji-Guang Expressway → (Yingtanzhuan) Yingrui Expressway (Nancheng direction) → Zixi Exit → 316 National Road → Zixi County

Hangzhou direction

Long deep high-speed → Shanghai-Kunming high-speed → Ji-Guang high-speed → (Yingtan turn) Yingrui high-speed (South City direction) → Zixi exit → 316 State Road → Zixi county
