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Listen to She folk songs


Its folk songs, oral literature creation is she people in production and life in the struggle, is an important part of the traditional culture.

She people loved folk songs, songs to speak, communicate feelings; the songs, songs from poetical justice; to know, Hiei wits.

Not only the wedding festival and holidays, singing, and in the production of labor, hospitality, leisure and rest, love to sing, even in the funeral sorrow, with singing cry, confide in. In the old society, the people in the struggle with the ruling class, often with folk songs as a weapon, the expression of the oppressed and hate to pursue beauty.

After the liberation, as a tribute to the Chinese Communist Party leadership and the socialist new life as the main content of the revolutionary folk songs and songs of praise, reflects a new thinking style she people, is essentially different from traditional folk songs. In general, folk songs in four rows, seven character verse as a style, the four sentence for a song. There are a few lyrics first sentence of three words or five words, third words rhyme, at the end of the sentence must be oblique.
