official website of dajue mountain

Rating recommendation

Raw materials: eggplant 500 grams, 500 grams of glutinous rice flour

Spices: ginger 5 grams

Rating recommendation

Ingredients: Tofu 600 grams

Seasoning: 120 grams of oil

Rating recommendation

Raw materials: 100 grams of wild pine mushroom

Ingredients: 20 grams of garlic

Rating recommendation

Ingredients: wild linen

Spices: three Huadan Nai

Rating recommendation

Ingredients: 1500 grams of pork

Seasoning: salt 5 grams

Rating recommendation

Ingredients: Castanopsis, Russula, mushroom, soup spices: salt, monosodium glutamate

Cooking: mushroom, red mushroom, mushroom soak for 30 minutes, wash, pot with a broth can be eaten

Features: pure natural, green food

Rating recommendation

Ingredients: white tea, fresh river shrimp, moderate spices 

Features: tea, taste, tender, Seyan, elegant, nutrition

Rating recommendation

Ingredients: with fresh bamboo shoots dried bamboo shoots, more than a year of ham meat

Cooking methods: the bamboo shoots cut into a short piece of ham, meat, cut into slices, put together in the sand bowl with carbon fire simmer until stew, add seasoning can be eaten.

Features: unique flavor, natural food

Rating recommendation

Ingredients: made a good mushroom, broccoli, pumpkin, seasoning appropriate

Cooking method: made a good control over the water dry castor oil, oil over the oil stand aside, the knife will change the broccoli, pumpkin fried, two separate materials stand aside, hot pot cold oil, Castanopsis Mushroom pot, stir-fry fire, then add ingredients. Stir fry to just cooked thicken, clean wok, add a little pack of tail oil pan.

Features: bright color, taste fragrance

Rating recommendation

Raw materials: wild mushroom, bamboo sun, ham meat

Cooking Method: wild mushroom preserved pickled, ham meat, water to be used, soil pepper cut foam, hot pot tea pot with oil, hot oil will be ham meat fried bamboo shoots stand aside, the raw mushroom Wash the net, oil hot pot, the green pepper, stir-fry garlic stir-fry moment put raw mushroom fry pan, put ham meat can be.

Features: fresh and tasty, crisp and smooth
