official website of dajue mountain

Space Step Gallery


  "Space Gallery" is between the two peaks turned up a length of 100 meters, the vertical height of more than 100 meters full transparent glass plank. Walking in a fully transparent glass plank, like hanging by the Challenger precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs, can stand on the "space", and Wuyi Mountains, meandering mountain scenery, overlooking the abyss, challenge limit in thrills in nature. In space the clouds, feel the magic of nature, experience the taste of life, although it is thrilling, the flavor.



  A total investment of about 8000000 yuan of big Jue "space step Gallery" free play, dare to challenge the tourists can walk ahead of the National Day holiday. Holding the beloved person's hand to go here, can realize the life experience that to join hands to tide over the wonderful realm, listening to the beloved woman kept shouting "help", the kind of man's sense of responsibility, the pillar of the family pride will benefit a person for life. At the same time to warn visitors, only by juneon people courageous and knowledgeable, to really show a desire to grand ambition.
